What we have achieved
Since we were founded in 2016, we have reached 421,307 children in 28 countries across 6 continents, thanks to major global partnerships with leading institutions in the field, including UNICEF, UNESCO, the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, Columbia University’s Earth Institute, and Pope Francis’ Global Compact for Education, amongst pre-eminent others.
We are also endorsed by many thought leaders and patrons, including former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Pope Francis, Meryl Streep, Sir Ken Robinson and Lord Michael Hastings.
In 2020, Think Equal developed a book, “Rainbows in Windows”, in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) to help families explain the global pandemic to their children.
In 2023, Think Equal is working towards implementing its programme and reaching full saturation in two additional countries, thereby achieving a system change in education in three countries so far: North Macedonia, Belize and Gambia.
Think Equal has adapted its programme to be adopted in refugee and internally displaced person settings worldwide. The 30-week programme comprises 30 books, lesson plans, and accompanying resources. A team of refugees and trauma specialist experts from Columbia University has curated the adaptation.